Privacy policy


1.         Introduction


This policy is incorporated into and is subject to our Terms of Service. Please read on to learn more about our data handling practices. By visiting our  Quizy mobile application (“App”) or all of the services available or related to therein (collectively referred to in this Privacy Policy as the “Service(s)”), you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Service.


When you visit the Site or App we may collect data from you as described below. When you register and use your account with us we will collect data from you in order to provide the Services. The types of data we collect depends on how you use our App and Services.


2.         Information we collect


When you visit and use our Site or App, install the App on your device, or register for an account with Quizy, some personally identifiable information about you is collected in order for us to be able to provide you with the Services. Further details about this are set out below.


2.1.    “Registration and Account Data”


When you install the Service on your device and/or register for an account with Quizy, personally and/or non-personally identifiable information about you may be collected. There are two types of Registration and Account Data; data: -


Information you provide - You will be asked to provide your gender, name or an alias and date of birth together with your mobile phone or email address. This is important to help us provide you with the connection and friends features in our Service.


Information you provide - You may also choose to provide other personally identifiable information such as your photos or videos of yourself, description of yourself and information about your interests. For example you can indicate your interests in your profile page. The provision of such information is entirely optional. If you register and log in using you Google account, we may also collect additional information that you make available to us. For example, if you register with Quizy using your Google account, we may collect and store your Facebook ID and corresponding token on our servers for automatic log in and profile information and, if you give us your express consent, we will have access to and may collect certain information that you make available on Google (for example, your first and last names, email address, profile picture, birthdays). We will store it on our servers and use it to facilitate your use of the Service – for example - we may synchronize your Quizy account between different devices which you may use to access our Service.



2.3 Log Data


We receive information when you view content on or otherwise interact with our services, which we refer to as “Log Data”.


For example, when you visit our websites, sign into our services, interact with our email notifications, use your account to authenticate to a third-party service, we may receive information about you. This Log Data includes information such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, configuration information made available by the Quizy app or desktop browser, the referring web page, pages visited, location, your mobile carrier, device information (including device and application IDs), search terms (including those not submitted as queries), and cookie information. We also receive Log Data when you click on, view, or interact with links or make connections on our Services and general information about your communications on Quizy such as the user you have communicated with and the date and duration of your communications (but not the content of such communications, unless required for safety and security reasons) including when and if you install another application through our Services. We use Log Data to operate our Services and ensure their secure, reliable, and robust performance. The purpose for using Log Data is to protect the security of accounts and to determine what is popular on our services and importantly Log Data is used to enable you to make connection with new and former connections on Quizy. We also use this data to improve our Services and to improve the effectiveness of our own marketing. We also use metadata, which means information related to items to you have made available through Quizy, such as the date or location that you made a connection via the Quizy App.




2.4 Other Third Parties and Affiliates


We may receive information about you from third parties such as partners who help us evaluate the safety and quality of content on our platform, our corporate affiliates, and other services you link to your account.


We use the information we receive to operate our Services. For integrations that we formally support, you may revoke this permission at any time from your application settings; for other integrations, please visit the other service you have connected.


You may provide us with payment information , including your credit or debit card number, card expiration date, CVV code, and billing address, in order to make purchases provided as part of our services. If you make a payment or send money using our features or Services, including through an intermediary, we may receive information about your transaction such as when it was made.


2.5 Personalizing Based On Your Inferred Identity


When you log into Quizy on a browser or device, we will associate that browser or device with your account for purposes such as authentication, security, and personalization. Subject to your settings, we may also associate your account with browsers or devices other than those you use to log into Quizy (or associate your logged-out device or browser with other browsers or devices). When you provide other information to Quizy, including an email address, we associate that information with your Quizy account. Subject to your settings, we may also use this information in order to infer other information about your identity, for example by associating your account with hashes of email addresses that share common components with the email address you have provided to Quizy. We do this to operate and personalize our Services. For example, if you log in through Facebook we connect with your age profile there to help maintain the required standards to be on our App and use the Services.


2.6 During usage of the App


Device information – Quizy may collect and store information about the device(s) which you use to install and access the App, such as your device model, unique device identifier, IP address, device capability and statistics on page views.


Content you shared - Quizy allows you to share your profile, interests, text messages, photos, screenshots, videos, music and other communications in the App with other users, and if you choose to do so, your in-App profile, interests, text messages, photos, screenshots, videos, music choices and other communications will be stored on our servers. In addition, if you choose to share these items with other Quizy users, we may not be able to remove them from our servers or make them unavailable to anyone you have shared them with. By choosing to share such information, you agree that you may no longer be able to control how that information is used and that it may become publicly available (depending in part on your actions or the actions of the other users with whom you have shared the information). Quizy shall not be responsible for any use or misuse of such information that you share with other users. You may refer to Part 7 below for more information on the parties with whom you may choose to share your content.


Content you created - We may also collect and store any user content (e.g. photos, screenshots, interests and other materials) that you create or post on the App (“User Content”).


Information about transactions made through our Service – In order to complete a transaction, you will be requested to provide your payment information, which includes your credit card number, card expiration date, CVV code, and billing address. In that event, we will transmit your information securely directly to a third-party vendor or merchant who will collect such information in order to process and fulfil your purchase. Quizy may process or store your payment information. However, we may store other information about your purchases made on the App, which may include the merchant’s name, the date, time and amount of the transaction and other behavioural information such as your purchase history.


Error-reporting information – We also collect error-reporting information if the App crashes or fails to operate properly so that we can investigate the error and improve the stability of the App for future releases. In general these reports do not contain personally identifiable information, or only incidentally. These error reports contain information such as the type and version of your device, the device identifier, the time the error occurred, the feature being used and the state of the App when the error occurred. We do not use this information for any purpose other than investigating and fixing the error.


2.7 When you visit our Site


We may use online tracking technology such as cookies, pixel tags, web beacons and other similar technologies to automatically collect information about:


your visits to our Site, such as your browsing history, how long you stay on our Site, and how often you visit; and

your location information as provided by your mobile or other device when you interact with our Site, including your IP address and general geographic location; and the device that you use to browse our Site (e.g. your device ID, operating system, type of device, browser type and version, mobile application crashes and other system activity, and third party sites you were using before interacting with our services).

You have the right to disable any of these online tracking technologies. These help us ensure you are able to log into your account securely, develop our Services by using data analytics and develop new services for our users. To learn more about how we use the above data, please see the Cookie Policy section below.


2.8 Age


The Service is not directed at children or persons under the age of eighteen (18) and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children or persons under the age of eighteen (18) as part of the Service. We do however collect information regarding your age to ensure underage users are not part of our platform in order to maintain the security of our Services and use third parties to help us maintain the correct age profile for our App. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received or collected personally identifiable information from a user under the age of eighteen (18) as part of the Service, we will delete such information from our records. If you are under the age of eighteen (18), please do not use the Service.


3.         Your User Profile


You can access, control and modify your the information you provide for your user profile on the App (your “Profile”) at anytime. This includes your Profile and profile pictures and videos, name, interests, personal bio, languages you speak and your birthday all of which can be shared with your Quizy contacts. So please ensure you only share what you want to include in your Profile. Your Profile will be made available to other users of the App who are connected to you. In addition, your Profile is discoverable by other App users, for example, through listing of App contacts in the App that will include your proximity to other users.



4.         Purpose and use of personal information


We adopt the data minimization principle when collecting and using your data and ensure that your data will only be used in accordance with the stated purposes below. We will only process your data in connection with the Service and for other related business purposes, including:


4.1.    To provide you with the Service, including:


to connect you with other users within the App;

to enable you to share your Profile with other users on the App;

to provide you with video  functions of the App;

to allow you to send images and videos through the App;

to show you the names of persons you communicate with and to show your name to persons you communicate with on the App; and

to enable you to contact us

connect with third parties for payment processing

to run analytics to provide you with better and relevant connections, provide you with additional offers and for the purpose of providing you with updates to our Services.


4.2.    To help us administer and maintain your account and User Profile on the App, including:


creating and updating your account;

and delivering to you any administrative notices, alerts and communications relevant to your use of the App.

To facilitate networking opportunities through the Service and provide you with location or interests information relating to other users of the App.

We use the information we have to develop, test and improve our Services, including by conducting surveys, compiling research, statistics and analytics as well as habits and behaviours of users such as transactional history, online interactions, and testing and troubleshooting new products and features.

To handle and process any payments for transactions carried out through the Service via third party providers.

We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.



4.3.    Promote safety, integrity and security.


For audit, compliance, controls, security and other risk management purposes we use the information we have to verify accounts and activity, combat harmful conduct, detect and prevent other bad experiences, illegal behaviour, maintain the integrity of our Services, and promote safety and security. For example, we use a combination of automated detection technology and manual review of the data we have to investigate suspicious activity or violations of our Terms of Service and policies such as this Privacy Policy and enable you to report and contact us if you have any issues to raise.



We connect information about you and your activities on Quizy with our other Apps and Services provided by us to provide you with a broad engagement experience and to provide a more tailored and consistent experience with your use of the Services.


5.         Legal Basis for processing your data


There are different legal reasons for processing your data while you are using our Service. With respect to these legal reasons, we process your data for one or more of the following basis.


As is necessary to fulfil our contract (Terms of Service with you)

Legitimate Interests. Where the processing is necessary for legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party for example for the prevention of fraud, network and information security, internal administrative purposes, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal information.

Your Consent. Where you have given us consent to process your personal information for specified purposes, such as to provide our Service and other items requested by you.

Comply with the Law. Where the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or requirement.

As is necessary in the public interest and to protect your vital interests or those of others.



6.         Data Access and Removal


You can always control what information you choose to share with us on the App (except for information which we have indicated as mandatory for you to provide). To do so, you can change your settings in the App or in your mobile device. Alternatively, you can remove the App from your mobile device entirely.


You can choose to remove your data anytime you want. If you ask us to delete your account, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to remove your data from our servers, subject to any applicable legal or other requirement to maintain certain records of your personally identifiable data. Please note that the deletion of your personally identifiable data from our database may result in us not being able to provide you with the Service.


To delete your data please click within the App on Settings located in the top right corner of your profile > click on "Help and Feedback"> click on"Account Information" > click on "Delete Account."



7.         Outbound Links


If you accessed a website or application provided by a third party, including through the App or the Site, such third party may also collect information about you. We do not own or control and are not responsible for the privacy practices of third party websites or applications. Please refer to the privacy policies of each of these third parties for more information about how they collect and use the information they collect about you. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any exchange of information between you and any such third party.



8.         Retention of Your Data


We will keep your personal data only for so long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless the law requires us to keep it for a longer period. Once we no longer need your personal data, we will either irreversibly anonymise or securely delete it from our servers.


9.         Your Data Protection Rights


Quizy would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. In particular, you are entitled to the following rights:


Right of Access : You shall have the right to obtain from Quizy confirmation as to whether or not your personal information is being processed, and, where that is the case, you may request for a copy of your personal information.


Right to Withdraw Consent : The provision of your consent shall give Quizy a lawful basis to process your personal information. You may also revoke your consent to processing.


Right to Rectification : You shall have the right to request Quizy to correct any inaccurate personal information concerning you;


Right to Erasure: You shall have the right to ask for your personal information to be deleted in certain circumstances;

Please note that your right to erasure may be limited if the data are necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.


Right to Restriction on Processing: You shall have the right to object to and ask for restrictions on the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances;


Right to Data Portability: You shall have the right to receive the personal information you have provided to Quizy, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those personal information from Quizy to another controller without hindrance from Quizy to which the personal information have been provided, where: -

the processing is based on your consent; and

the processing is carried out by automated means;


Right to Objection: You shall have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of your personal information.

Quizy shall no longer process the personal information unless Quizy demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;



Right to Complaint – You shall have the right to file a complaint with our Data Protection Officer (details of which are provided below) if you think that one or more of your rights have been infringed by Quizy.



10.         Exercising your data protection rights


If you wish to update or delete your personal information submitted, you can update it via the App.



11.         Cookie Policy


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or device by websites, applications, online media and advertisements when you visit a website.


We use cookies and other similar identification technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags on our Site, App, emails and online advertisements for various purposes, including verifying users; remembering user preferences and settings to enhance your experience when you return to our Site or App; delivering relevant content and advertisements based on your preferences, location and usage patterns; monitoring, evaluating and optimising the operation of our Site and App; tracking and measuring the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns; and analysing traffic on our Site, our App and the websites of our partners or RC Group members.


You can exercise your right to choose whether or not to accept cookies by adjusting your browser settings to modify your cookie preferences. Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default or prompt you to accept cookies, but you are free to remove or block all browser cookies. However, if you turn off your cookies, some of our services may not function properly and you will not be able to receive the most efficient and personalised experience.


12.         Contact information


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at